Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's 4 o'clock...

Do you know where your children are?

Friday afternoon Chris and I got home from a morning out with some friends, and I put Chris in his bed for his nap and settled down for a much-needed rest. However, apparently Chris had other plans - and they didn't include a nap! He just would not go to sleep! These pictures were taken around 4 that afternoon, which is usually about when he is waking up. He sure doesn't look like a kid in need of a nap!

My guess is that he is teething. Saturday night he didn't fall asleep until after 11, he didn't nap very good today, and he had a hard time falling asleep again tonight. Plus, his nose is running like crazy. Poor guy - even tylenol doesn't seem to be helping! Pray that he gets through this soon!

1 comment:

Melrose said...

absolutely adorable photos!!! Hylands has a sniffles & sneezes and a cold & flu homeopathic tablets that are amazing. You give three tablets every 15 min until you see a change...its amazing to watch and Isaiah sleeps like a rock afterwards! hth!