Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Ross is 6 Months Old!

It's kind of sad - even though we live right next door to each other, I feel like I only see Ross every 3 months when we do these photos! Between mine and Kelly's busy schedules, just about the only times we see each other other than these sessions are the occasional chats at the mailboxes. So it was fun to see Ross and his new tricks!
This little guy is definitely not so little any more. He had just started rolling over, though he wouldn't do it for the camera. But he is definitely a strong little guy! And man, Mark and Kelly lucked out - he is so calm and content!

Here he is so we can see how he's grown... here's his newborn and 3 month pics just for comparison ;)

Love the drool :)

He has just started eating solids... though I don't know that he was too impressed with the peas!

Checking each other out...

Almost there!

So close! We thought for sure he was going to go all the way, but he plopped right back onto his tummy.

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