Friday, April 22, 2011

What Good Friday Means To Me

For the past year, I have been participating in a Bible study through an international organization called Bible Study Fellowship. Each year they focus on a particular book or group of books of the Bible, and this year we have been studying the book of Isaiah. I have learned a lot over the course of the year, but one thing has stood out more than any other, and it seems appropriate to share it on this Good Friday.

In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah has a vision of heaven. He sees the Lord sitting on His throne, with angels all around - it is a clear look into the holiness and awesomeness of the God he served. The notes I was given on the passage point out that as a result of this vision, Isaiah was never the same. The road ahead of him was not an easy one, but this vision enabled him to continue on - after all, he had seen the Lord.

So the question that has to be asked is: "when have I seen the Lord in such a way that it carries me through?"

Instantly, I can see it in my head. The date was December 13, 2001. I was in the car on my way home from Jacksonville International Airport, and a beautiful sunset was spreading across the sky. In that moment, I saw the Lord. Not in physical form, but with every fiber of my being I knew He was there. What made that so important in that moment is that I was leaving the airport just hours after my dad's body had been discovered after his little plane had crashed while attempting to land at the airport.

In that moment, my faith was redefined.

No longer was it the faith of a child that has been raised in the church, hearing stories of how Jesus loved me.

Instead, that faith became a rock. Because what I say I believe has to be true. If it isn't, then I don't get to see my dad again.

Which brings me back to today. Good Friday. The day when Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus. It was on this day that the perfect Son of God gave up His life for us.

So that we could have hope.

Thank you, Jesus.


Kristin said...

I remember that sunset :-)

Melrose said...

I don't think you give the faith that was already in you enough credit :) I remember some very hard times when I was a young teenager dealing with some frustrating things where you would sit up with me late at night showing me in Scripture where my answers were...I remember the passion behind your words. So thankful for continued maturity in our faith as we get older!