Sunday, August 3, 2008

A long week...

Sorry I haven't posted all week! But it has been one of the longest and most exhausting weeks we've had in a long time. Mark was really busy with his schoolwork, so as a result I don't think we made it into bed before 12:30 all week. So because he was so busy with that, it meant that I was mostly on my own as far as Chris is concerned. Which wouldn' t be so bad if we weren't hitting the "terrible twos"! Between his refusal to take a decent nap all week, his inability to keep himself entertained for any length of time, and his decision to no longer eat vegetables (he went to bed hungry twice!) my patience was VERY THIN. And it also meant that I didn't get much work done.
When it comes to the work, it doesn't help that our office is under construction! Our office furniture sold, so now Mark is hard at work getting the room ready to become Chris's room. Once that happens, I get to set up the "new" office! I am so excited about that part of the process! Here's a picture of my current workspace:

For someone who is a bit OCD when it comes to being organized, it has not been easy!

On a side note, we are hoping for a better week. Mark is finished with school for a few weeks, and Chris took a 4 hour nap today... and even ate his vegetables at dinner. :)

1 comment:

Melrose said...

yay for 4 hr naps :D